EDUCOM has been founded by Ton de Rooij. Initially EDUCOM focussed on education. In time more activities became part of what EDUCOM does:
  • - writing books
  • - developing exams and examination itself
  • - organizing workshops
  • - developing workshops
  • - consultancy
In 2018 the publishing of books was added to the list of activities.

EDUCOM is established in Woerden. Woerden is a central location. As a result course participants do not have to traval far. This is why participants come to EDUCOM from a large part of The Netherlands for the open roster workshops.

About Ton de Rooij

Ton de Rooij has had his education at the University of Amsterdam. He has a degree as business economist with among other things a specialization at administrative organization. After his studies he has been working for some time at the university. This was before he founded EDUCOM.

He has written a number of books that are used in the workshops 'datamodeling using the ER-model', 'specifying requirements', 'data warehouses and business intelligence', 'datamodeling using NIAM', 'datamodeling for business intelligence', 'database technology and design' and 'SQL'.

He has been and still is involved in all kind of activities. Before he founded EDUCOM he developed software for a query language, a mailing system and a quotation system. He even developed operating software for a water purification installation. Apart from teaching he is hired as an information analyst to make information and functional analyses. He does this for business and government organizations. He is information architect. He has been involved in software and data transitions in car leasing businesses. In that role he had a coaching role during the integration of two car leasing companies. He has developed and still develops and has teached and still teaches many workshops and courses. He is an independent expert in automation projects.