

The courses held by EDUCOM focus on five areas of interest:

  • - databases
  • - data warehouses and busines intelligence
  • - reporting
  • - management and use
  • - system development (of automated information systems)
The courses are held according to an open schedule. They are also held 'in house' which is to say 'at the premises of the customer'. 'In house' is financially interesting starting from four participants (ask for a quotation; consult for 'in house' the webpage information about subscribing).

EDUCOM does not only organise courses. EDUCOM also develops courses and workshops for other training companies and is deployed by other training companies for executing courses and workshops.

>>> why attending courses at EDUCOM
>>> training trajectories
>>> tests / certificates







Straight on to our Courses / Workshops in English:

Data Modeling / Information Modeling the ER-model (English spoken)

SQL (English spoken)